Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rollin with my homies

This cruiser has been in Spence's family since before he learned to drive, and it still runs surprisingly well for a 1985. Spence picked up a second job about 6 weeks ago and installs and removes/fixes for sale signs for all the real estate agents in the SLC area. He has been working mad hours like 50-60 a week including his other job. Unfortunately he has to do alot of driving and sometimes we don't see him until 9:00 at night. So once a week or so Stone and I pile into the cruiser and ride along with him to the different towns and just hang out with him while he works. Its actually nice because we can just enjoy eachother and make Spences day a little less long and boring if we are there with him. These are just a few pics from a typical day on the job with the hubster.

Don't mind my stink eye! The a.c. sucks so we always have all the windows down and my hair is flying everywhere.

Stone and Dad! Notice my two year old with a bottle in this picture? I have finally set my mind to help Stone get rid of his milk in a bottle addiction. About time, right? I have just been super lazy about it and have not wanted to deal with the tantrums but with another baby on the way and being almost 2 1/2 time to buckle down. He has been drinking from cups and sippy cups since before 1 but he has to have his milk in a bottle or he F-L-I-P-S out. He also likes to nap with Dad on our bed and or sleep between us every chance he gets...I am so dead asleep sometimes I don't even notice he is there. So we started being hardcore about that this week too. Stay in your own bed bud!!! I know we have created this mess, but like they say your first kid is the guinea pig. I will know what not to do with our next little guy. He is such a cool, easy going kid I guess if these are our main struggles with him thats okay. So far so good !!! Gotta remind myself to stay consistent with the tough love!

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