Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's a Boy!!!

So I had my ultrasound yesterday afternoon and we are having a baby boy. We are so excited! My new due date is March 28th, my sister Shannon's birthday. I am 19 weeks and 5 days along. I was happy to know I was one week further along than I thought, but I could still have the baby in April of course.

Here are some names we have picked out.

#1) Stone Ryder or Stone Phoenix
#2) Cole Asher
#3) Roland Kimball

Roland is growing on me somewhat. Spencer is a huge Stephen King fan, and Roland is the "tight" gun-slinger from the Dark Tower series. He even read me excerpts from one of the books as we were road-tripping on our honeymoom. Gotta love you Spence!
Our names are a little different, but we like it that way. At least my momma and couple of sibs like Stone. So we shall see.


Sharon Beesley said...

hooray! congrats! i like roland the best. all the names you picked are great though. it will be interesting to see which one you pick.

Anonymous said...

Again congrats! Luckily you are pretty fertile Mertile so hopefully you will have three boys and will be able to use all the names. They are all rad!

pillingfamily said...

didn't know you were expecting. that's so great!!! and i love the names you've got picked out. congratulations!

BrookeandSpence said...

We are back to the drawing board with the names. We will be calling him baby until the hospital now for sure.