Sunday, August 30, 2009

Catch up-FINALLY

After months of no pictures I finally am up to date from Stone's birthday in April to the wedding we just went to in Southern California. I had a ton of pics but these are all the highlights. This past month I have not taken one picture. We have been really busy but nothing specifically notable. We are just enjoying summertime as it comes to an end (tear).

Aaron and Fitriah's Wedding

The couple got married outside the Chart House overlooking the Dana Point harbor. The day was perfect and gorgeous and the water looked so blue. I could see people surfing and it was so hot I wanted to jump in the water, but we had to catch a flight home that day. Luckily the day before I was able to go surfing in Newport Beach with Amber. The waves were perfect size and I was so happy to catch some waves since I hadn't been in two years. I miss living near the ocean so much. We had alot of fun.

Aaron and Fitriah the happy couple. Spence was the best man and has known Aaron since he was in diapers. They are such a fun couple.

Stone reaching for the camera

Aaron and Fitriah's Wedding July 26, 2009

Whoops sideways. This is McKenna one of Spence's friends kids, she is hilarious, and loved Stone to pieces.

Stone was the hit of the party bustin out some serious moves on the dance floor. This kid was seriously born with some rythymn. He is so fun to watch and is not shy at all. After he got sick of being inside on the dance floor he kept sneaking outside

Spence is on duty towards the end of the reception. I probably ran out side 15 times to try and catch him in my heels. This one time I thought he was with someone else and I look outside on the grass and he is headed toward the edge of the property/cliff and there is a very pregnant woman trying to stop him. I was so embarassed that I didn't have a better eye on him and of all people this poor overheated prego momma was keeping my child from possibly running of the cliff. I was grateful for her and kept a better eye on my child afterward.

Bon Iver Concert and Stone's new accessory

Here is Stone at the Galivan Outdoor Summer concert series. They have very cool bands to see every Thursday and yummy food and art/craft vendors. To me keeping up with new music is a full time job, so luckily our friend Josh keeps us supplied with new indie artists all the time. Last November he introduced us to Bon Iver, who I immediately fall in love with. (I don't fall in love easily, either:) His music is raw, soulful, and hauntingly beautiful. On this particular night we arrived too late to get a decent spot on the grass. So we ended up listening while we chased this kid around.

Stone taking off through the crowd. I love how tiny he looks here and he just charges on through like nobody's business. By the end of the set we were grateful to not be on the grass because there is no way Stone would have been able to sit still. He made a couple friends and played ball and chase and kicked empty water bottles everywhere. (Spence and I decided maybe next time we'll go to a concert on our own).

Stone's need for independence and walking everywhere by himself has led me to buying one of these. (Our's is a lion though). I never thought I would use a leash/harness for my child but never say never. This product was like a gift from heaven to us. AMAZING...and Stone doesn't seem to far.

Stone banging on the front door wanting to go outside right when he wakes up. If the front door is open a crack he bolts for the door and tries to get out. He could literally be outside all day rain or shine, which overall I am happy about.


Stone kept throwin his hat in the air and trying to catch it on his head and this is how it landed once. Of course he won't wear his hat the regular way for mor than 5 seconds.

Bulgy the whale ride...his favorite. I still can't believe he can go on rides by himself he looks so tiny still. He loves I am happy about that. I am an amusement park junkie...seriously one of my favorite things to do ever.

I like the lighting on this one. The poor kids forehead is jacked between where he got stitches and two weird bug bites.

On the airplanes. I said a little prayer to myself that he wouldn't slip out or jump off the ride because it goes pretty high. He was definitely the youngest one on the ride.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fourth of July Family Pictures at Vasona Park

Riding the carousel at Vasona after family pics. He looks thrilled, doesn't he?

Superman and I (without glasses)

Clark Kent and I (with glasses)
Spence looks hot with or without his glasses but I hate the reflective action in the drives me crazy.

On the train at Vasona. I don't know why my pictures are all mixed up...Anyways after our family pictures we had a yummy barbeque and swam and laughed. I so miss spending time with everyone.

We are family

My momma and me. Love her!

The ladies in the fam.

Then men in the family

The ones responsible for all the craziness...which I call my family.

All 18 grandchildren

What we have been up to this summer

Visiting with my friend Kirin at my parent's house.

Drew stayed with us for about 6 weeks this summer. It was alot of fun to have him around. He definitely keeps things lively as if that's hard if you know my husband. Drew and Spence together is quite a sight...I was ready to pass out the ritalin somedays, we settled for energy drinks:) Drew was such a big help with Stone babysitting a few times in a pinch, staying in the car for a minute while I did quick errands and just keeping him entertained. Drew even made us a fabulous dinner one night...quite the talented young man. Eleven going on 21...seriously.

A ghetto picture of my first "Perfume Party display" I need to stain my oil carrier but no one but myself seems to mind. I have had three parties two in Utah and one at my mom's and the response has been pretty good. Those that have tried my perfume oils are hooked. I took a little break July and August and am ready to roll again. I have two parties this week that other people are hosting. Wahoo.

Stone took quite a fall on Sunday morning June 28th. We were late to church and he tripped on his own feet I guess and hit the corner of the wall and split his forehead open. I was pretty scared and was so glad Spence and Drew were there to help calm him while we took him to the E.R. We had to wait about two hours which is ridiculous. He was so hungry and cranky by the time they stitched him up. It took Drew, Spence and I to hold him down to even have the nurse put numbing medication on him. I was sent out of the room when they stitched him up. I walked down the hall and held back the tears as my baby screamed...he was so mad that he was wrapped tightly to the bed to keep him still. We literally ran home for two seconds and grabbed our luggage and Drew, Stone and I headed on a plane to San Jose. Great timing, huh? Stone was really good on the flight...but no swimming for him until the end of the week. He had to watch me in the pool teaching the younger cousins how to swim...poor guy. I know this won't be the last time for stitches with this kid either.

Family night-bonfire at Millcreek Canyon

Taking a break from the hot springs in Honeyville, Ut. They had 4 different hot tubs including a large pool of varying temperatures...they were all too hot but the pool. It was so relaxing.

Hanging in his diaper and trying to control the remote already

We were invited by my sis -n-law to a privately owned lake. The jetskis were not working but we swam, jumped on the water tramp into the water, pushed Stone on the swing, and the boys 4-wheeled. It was such a great day. I love summer time.

The only con was trying to keep this kid from jumping off the deck. The pro was this swing my only relief from watching him like a hawk, except for when Spence had him too of course:)

Stone loves cheetos, dorotitos...his body craves the salty stuff.

Hanging with Amber and her boys

Amber and Micah

This ones a little fuzzy but I think it's cute anyways.

I hate this one of me but Amber looks good. My head looks gigantic.

Stone and Micah playing. I couldn't get a good picture of Saxon he was always on the go. Stone had fun playing with the boys and swimming.

Here is cute little Dane ready to swim. He has the cutest dimples ever.
It was so fun to catch up with Amber while we were down in Southern California. She makes it look easy having 3 boys under 2 1/2. Thanks for the fun day.


My favorite taco place ever except the local one in Puerto Vallarta

I can't post more than five pics for some reason, arrgh. Computers infuriate me.

Our old stomping grounds San Clemente and Pedro's Tacos

San Clemente State Beach. Spence and I spent alot of time here when we were dating/engaged.

I think Spence is having as much fun with the toys as Stone

It was not the best beach day, it was way overcast and windy so we only stayed an hour.

Stone loved squishing the seaweed

and eating the sand.

Disneyland continued

We love Disneyland and miss living close to it, especially now that we have a kiddo. Spence actually worked here one summer when he was 20.

Amber met us at Disneyland until it was nearing naptime. It was so fun to see her and to finally meet her new addition Dane. Thanks Amber for taking our picture on It's a small world. Why didn't we get any of us with our boys?...whoops.

Chillin with the juice box